Research Center Expands in Tierra del Fuego

Wampliacion cadicith more than 30 years of history, the Austral Center for Scientific Research (CADIC for its initials in Spanish) is the major research center in the Tierra del Fuego Archipelago and indeed for southern Patagonia’s sub-Antarctic ecoregion. Hosting more than 100 scientists, technicians, students and support staff, CADIC works in a diverse array of areas, ranging from forestry, geology, archaeology, international relations, outreach, ecology and horticulture. Now, with an investment of nearly $2 million USD, the research institute has nearly doubled its space. The inaugural ceremony was presided over by President Cristina Fernandez by videoconference and the physical presence of Provincial Governor Fabiana Rios, demonstrating the highest political support for research in Tierra del Fuego, but also was attended by local scientists and citizens of Tierra del Fuego. For more information: CONICET website.